Detox Smoothie Recipe

Detox your body the morning after you had that one glass of wine you should have said no to (don't worry, we do it too from time to time!). To properly detox the body, you need to feed it the foods to help you purge and clean out the impurities, while also giving you the vitamins and minerals needed to heal and repair as quick as possible (we get it - those hangovers can be brutal!). 

Detox Smoothie Image

Blueberry Green Smoothie


  • 1 ½ cup Mixed Berries (blueberries, blackberries and raspberries)
  • ½ ripe Avocado
  • 1 cup Fresh Spinach
  • 1” slice of Fresh Ginger
  • ½ cup of Grass Fed Plain Yogurt or Kefir
  • ½ cup Coconut or Almond Milk
  • 1 cup Coconut Water
  • 1 scoop of Protein Powder if you feel like you need the extra “body repair” boost.
  • 1 tbsp of Honey is optional if you want a little sweetener
  • A few ice Cubes


Place all ingredients in the blender and blend well- Enjoy and recover!

HealthyStyle Benefits of the ingredients:

Berries are your friend when detoxing, because they are packed with antioxidants and fiber. Ginger has a cleansing and calming effect on the digestive tract, which is great to add to soothe the tummy. Spinach is high in vitamins, minerals and protein, and a macronutrient to repair the damage at the cellular level. Grass-fed plain yogurt or Kefir will help to re-stabilize the stomach and boost your immune system.  Coconut water is great for re-hydrating and is packed with antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese and zinc. The coconut milk or almond milk will bring in additional vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.  We finish with avocado to boost the healthy fats. Healthy fats are a brain food and will reduce the morning brain fog!

Enjoy! And don't forget about self-care and love. 
